Site Rules

As expected, this is a car culture community, and only appropriate postings and behavior will be allowed.

We strive to make this a family-friendly place for all things car and expect all users to show the same respect your mom would expect. Do unto others and all that, you know?

1. No offensive content

2. No trolling

3. No spreading of any copyrighted material

4. No spamming

5. No advertising beyond the scope of the forum

6. Please be nice


Please report inappropriate posts to us at [email protected] or through our contact page.

Advertising is not allowed in posts in order to be fair to our advertisers, who spend money on their banners and buttons.

We have a variety of options and price ranges should you desire to properly advertise on the Kar SyndicateTM site. You can contact us at [email protected] or through our contact page for more information and current pricing.

Thank you for understanding.

If your post was inappropriate, offensive, derogaory, did not fit within the guidelines/reasonable definition of car culture and car/automotive-related information, or was posted to the wrong forum, it may have been flagged and/or deleted.

Please be sure that you post appropriately, responsibly and in the appropriate forum.